Thursday, April 8, 2010


The most recent contribution to our Let It All Hang Out blog gave the medical profession a hefty punch in the solar plexus, by openly criticizing its proclivity for prescribing drugs as a prime cure-all, as opposed to insistence on patients’ sensible eating practices. However, since our reading audience includes no doctors, we deem it only fair to offer a reply from a mythical physician, based on the reaction that would likely result.

Accordingly, here is what we might expect in retaliation from an irate medical practitioner:

“Do you believe for an instant that we doctors are unaware of the benefits forthcoming
from a carefully controlled diet? Most of us have forgotten more than you presently
know about this matter. Nevertheless, how much could we ever accomplish by focusing
principally on choice of foods as the best approach for a patient? Can you honestly
expect the great majority of them to listen? Forget it. The unfortunate fact is that we’re
practically forced into writing hefty prescriptions, just to offset the damage so many
people have brought on themselves by eating improperly, and otherwise not taking good
care of their bodies.

“We continually tell people to quit smoking, but how many ever really do? Way too many
of them will go on puffing and wheezing until Joe Camel knocks them cold some day
not too far down the line. Furthermore, how are we expected to treat those who
obediently nod their heads in response to our semi-stern advice about reducing their
calorie, sugar, cholesterol, and other harmful intakes, then leave our offices and head
straight to the nearest McDonald’s for a burger and fries lunch?

“Quit blaming us for trying to do our best to salvage what we can out of an ailing,
mistreated human anatomy. Give us due credit for a noble effort.”

Thank you, Doctor. We stand duly admonished.

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